Home Dome HD 6s

Dome east was built in 1999.
Since 2011, it can be operated remotely. Remote operation is associated with some challenges, as the power must be provided by solar cells and the Internet connection must be established via the normal cell phone network.
The observatory is controlled by the great „Voyager“ software and is fully automated. All components are „Ascom“ compatible.
The Mesu 200 mount has been in the observatory since 2015. The mount is characterized by very smooth running properties and precise tracking.
Takahashi Mewlon 250 CR (2500mm / f10 or 1800mm / f7.25 with reducer CR 0.73)

Many images were taken with the SBIG STL 11k at a focal length of 2500mm (f10), see gallery Mewlon 250 CR.
Fortunately, the excellent imaging quality of the Mewlon is maintained even with the reducer CR 0.73, so that since 2020 the system is used at a focal length of 1800mm (f7.25) in combination with the SBIG ST-8300 mono, see gallery Mewlon 250 CR reduced.
TS Triplet APO 90, Reducer Photoline 0.79 (490mm / f5.44)

Various images are also made with the small setting: TS Triplet APO 90 with the Reducer Photoline 0.79 (490mm / f5.44) in combination with the SBIG ST-8300, see gallery TS Triplet APO 90.